How an eHRIS Streamlines HR Processes


In today's digital age, the role of technology in human resources (HR) management has become increasingly vital. One technology solution that has greatly improved HR operations is the electronic Human Resource Information System (eHRIS). An eHRIS is a complete software platform that combines different HR functions, allowing organizations to simplify processes, increase efficiency, and enhance overall workforce management. This article examines the advantages and impact of implementing an eHRIS in an organization.

1. Centralized Data Management

An eHRIS (electronic Human Resource Information System) offers a centralized database for storing and managing employee information. In the past, HR departments had to deal with the hassle of maintaining numerous paper records, making accessing and updating employee data time-consuming. With an eHRIS, all pertinent information, such as personal details, employment history, training records, and performance evaluations, is securely stored in an easily accessible digital format. This centralized approach guarantees data accuracy, minimizes redundancy, and streamlines data retrieval, empowering HR professionals to make informed decisions swiftly.

2. Efficient Recruitment and Onboarding

The recruitment and onboarding process can be intricate and time-consuming. An eHRIS simplifies these processes by automating various tasks. It enables HR teams to create job postings, track applications, and manage candidate profiles within a single system. With resume parsing and keyword matching features, eHRIS simplifies the candidate screening process, allowing HR professionals to identify the most suitable candidates efficiently. Additionally, the system facilitates the digital creation and storage of onboarding documents, reducing paperwork and ensuring a smooth transition for new employees.
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3. Enhanced Employee Self-Service

Employee self-service is an essential aspect of modern HR operations. An eHRIS enables employees to access personal information, update contact details, submit leave requests, and view payslips. This self-service capability helps lighten the workload for HR staff, as employees can handle routine administrative tasks independently. It also fosters transparency, enhances communication, and empowers employees to take control of their HR-related needs, ultimately boosting overall employee satisfaction.

4. Streamlined Performance Management

Performance management is an important function within HR. An electronic Human Resource Information System (eHRIS) streamlines performance management by automating performance reviews, goal-setting, and tracking employee progress. The system offers a central platform for managers and employees to establish goals, monitor performance milestones, and provide feedback. It also simplifies the scheduling and documentation of regular performance evaluations. By automating these processes, an eHRIS decreases the administrative burden, promotes consistency, and encourages a culture of ongoing feedback and enhancement.

5. Integrated Time and Attendance Tracking

Managing employee attendance and tracking work hours can be a time-consuming task. An electronic Human Resources Information System (eHRIS) simplifies this process by integrating time and attendance tracking functionalities. Employees can conveniently clock in and out by utilizing biometric systems, employee badges, or mobile applications, record breaks, and submit leave requests. The system automatically calculates hours worked, tracks overtime, and generates accurate timesheets. This integration eliminates the need for manual data entry, reduces errors, and provides real-time visibility into employee attendance, facilitating payroll processing and ensuring compliance with labor regulations.

6. Streamlined Training and Development

Employee training and development are essential for improving skills and keeping a competitive workforce. An eHRIS simplifies the training process by offering a platform to create, deliver, and track training programs. HR professionals can develop online courses, assign them to employees, and monitor their progress and completion. The system allows employees to access training materials, participate in virtual classrooms, and provide feedback. By centralizing training activities, an eHRIS ensures consistency, enhances training effectiveness, and simplifies compliance tracking.
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7. Data-Driven Decision Making

One of the key benefits of an eHRIS is its capacity to produce detailed reports and valuable insights. HR professionals can utilize the system's analytical capabilities to extract essential data on different HR metrics, including employee turnover, recruitment expenses, training efficiency, and performance trends. These insights facilitate data-based decision-making, enabling organizations to identify areas for enhancement, optimize HR strategies, and align workforce planning with business objectives. With access to real-time data, HR professionals can take proactive measures to tackle challenges and contribute to organizational success.


Implementing an electronic Human Resource Information System (eHRIS) allows organizations to streamline HR processes, improve efficiency, and enhance workforce management. By centralizing data, automating tasks, empowering employee self-service, and providing valuable insights, an eHRIS simplifies recruitment, onboarding, performance management, time and attendance tracking, training, and decision-making. Adopting an eHRIS reduces administrative burden and enables HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives that promote employee engagement, productivity, and organizational growth. Embracing technology-driven solutions like eHRIS is crucial for organizations looking to optimize their HR operations and stay ahead in today's competitive business landscape.


How does the Zebra can help?

The Zebra eHRIS system is designed to optimize and simplify your company's HR processes, improving efficiency and productivity. Using advanced technology and innovative features, the eHRIS system automates time-consuming tasks, allowing HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives and employee engagement.

One of the main features of our eHRIS system is its ability to centralize and integrate HR data. All employee information, from personal details to performance evaluations, can be stored and accessed in one secure and user-friendly platform. With this centralized approach, HR professionals can easily track and manage employee records, ensuring accuracy and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Moreover, our eHRIS system offers various modules and functionalities that cater to different HR processes. From recruitment and onboarding to performance management and training, the system provides comprehensive solutions that streamline workflows and eliminate manual paperwork. By digitalizing these processes, our eHRIS system reduces the risk of errors and delays while providing real-time data insights for informed decision-making.

By implementing the Zebra eHRIS system, your company can unlock the full potential of its HR department, leading to improved productivity, cost savings, and overall business success.


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