✓ 有金融投資行業經驗或興趣者優先,能一個月內入職者優先
✓ 無破產及不良信債記錄
✓ F5以上學歷,有良好溝通能力及電銷經驗
✓ 底薪HKD12,000 + 花紅 + 提成
✓ 其他福利:5天工作,銀行紅日,在職培訓及良好的晉昇機會
✓ 推薦人需保證被推薦人聯絡方式的正確性,一經提交無法修改。
✓ 推薦人需獲取被推薦人同意後推薦,並須確保被推薦人同意我司與其聯絡。
✓ 如經我司發現被推薦人並無授權推薦人進行推薦,我司將不提供任何推薦獎勵。
✓ 推薦獎勵不適用於自薦者。
✓ 推薦獎勵不適用於我司在接到推薦之前已獲取被推薦人聯絡方式或簡歷的情況。
✓ 如有重複推薦人選,推薦獎勵將給予最先推薦的推薦人。
✓ 推薦人需赴我司辦公室領取推薦獎勵。
✓ 所有獎勵的領取有效期均為3個月,逾期視為自動放棄。
✓ 所有參與本推薦活動者均已同意並遵守本條款及規定。
✓ 我司有權無預先通知隨時更改,暫停,終止本活動。我司保留對仲裁權利的最終解釋權。
✓ 推荐人需保证被推荐人联络方式的正确性,一经提交无法修改。
✓ 推荐人需获取被推荐人同意后推荐,并须确保被推荐人同意我司与其联络。
✓ 如经我司发现被推荐人并无授权推荐人进行推荐,我司将不提供任何推荐奖励。
✓ 推荐奖励不适用于自荐者。
✓ 推荐奖励不适用于我司在接到推荐之前已获取被推荐人联络方式或简历的情况。
✓ 如有重复推荐人选,推荐奖励将给予最先推荐的推荐人。
✓ 推荐人需赴我司办公室领取推荐奖励。
✓ 所有奖励的领取有效期均为3个月,逾期视为自动放弃。
✓ 所有参与本推荐活动者均已同意并遵守本条款及规定。
✓ 我司有权无预先通知随时更改,暂停,终止本活动。我司保留对仲裁权利的最终解释权。
✓ Referrers are required to ensure the accuracy of the referees’ contact information and the record cannot be changed once submitted.
✓ The referrer warrants and represents that he/she has obtained the consent of the persons that he or she introduces (“referee”) to Zebra for the purposes of:
a) providing the contact information of the referee to Zebra;
b) allowing Zebra to contact the referee;
✓ Zebra to verify and seek consent with the referee for agreement to the referral. If referee does not consent, the referrer will not be eligible for any reward.
✓ The referrer cannot refer himself/ herself.
✓ If the referee already exists in Zebra database, the referrer will not be eligible for the referral reward.
✓ If the same referee is being submitted, only the first person to make the referral on Zebra’s record will be eligible to receive the rewards.
✓ The reward will be redeemed at the Zebra office in Wanchai.
✓ The reward will be reserved for 3 months and will be forfeited if not redeemed in 3 months.
✓ By participating in this Candidate Referral Program, you agree and accept these terms and conditions.
✓ Zebra reserves the rights to amend the terms and conditions or terminate or suspend the Candidate Referral Program at any time without prior notice. All matters and disputes will be subjected to the final decision of Zebra.
✓ The HK$1,000 supermarket coupon will only be issued when the referring candidate passes the 3-month probation period